The Institute offers Doctorate in Systematic Theology, Spiritual Theology and Biblical Theology. For admission to the Doctorate course the applicant must hold a Master's Degree (M.Th.) in first class or its equivalent in the same field of research. The mode of commutation of any of the requirements for Doctorate with the course one has done in another ecclesiastical or secular institute or university or college shall be determined by the Syndicate, considering the merits of each case. The Syndicate shall also decide the equivalence of a degree with a degree from the Institute. The Syndicate has the right to demand from such students to attend the entire or part of the second cycle (M.Th.) with corresponding examinations, if it finds it necessary for admission to the Doctorate.
The students are required to devote at least two years (four semesters) to their research work, which may be extended up to five years. The syndicate may grant further extension after examining the merits of each case. If the research is not over on completion of the granted period of time, the student has no right to continue as a student of the Doctorate Course. The students are expected to spend normally the first two years of the Doctorate in regular contact with the Institute. The Director of the Doctoral research shall be one of the Professors of the respective Faculty. If the candidate chooses the Director from another Faculty, he is to be approved by the Syndicate.